RD: How can I set up merchandise for my event?
Simply go to event dashboard (https://admin.racemenu.com/admin/my-events) and follow these steps:
- Choose the event and click “Manage”
- Select the “Merchandise” section on the navigation panel
- You will see a list of set up merchandise with the options of “Edit”, “Delete” and “Publish”/”Unpublish”. Also here you can see the number of sold merchandise by merchandise items and by merch options.
- To create a new merchandise item just click the button “Create New Merchandise Item”.
- Add the Name, Description (optional), sub-events and image to make your merchandise more attractive for customers.
If you want to make your merchandise required for a purchase please check “Make the selling merchandise item required” at the top of the page. You also can set up custom selling dates - in this case check the “Set up custom selling dates” and set up a start selling date and end selling date.
If the user will be registering before the start selling date he will see a label “The sale is not yet opened” and will be not able to purchase.
Please check “Multiple quantities” if your merchandise is available for multi-purchase per 1 registrant. In this case the registrant will be available to purchase multiple merch items in the registration funnel.
Set up maximum quantity for every merchandise option - if you have a limited number. The system will automatically add the label “sold out” for a merch and users will not be able to purchase it.