RD: How can I manage the registrants?
Simply go to event dashboard (https://admin.racemenu.com/admin/my-events) and follow these steps:
- Choose the event and click “Manage”
- Select the “Registrants” section on the navigation panel
3. Check the list of all registrants on your event. (paid and not paid)
You can sort the list of registrants by every column - just by clicking on the column name (“Sub-event”, “ID”, “BIB”,..etc.). Additionally you can filter the list by “payment status” - paid/not-paid/free. Free users are users who registered with $0. Also you can filter by a “coaching” purchase - yes/no. Just select all filter criterias and click “search”.
You can search by a particular user on the “search” field by Name, Last Name, BIB number or email address. For every user there are 3 available options:
- “Mark as test” - For test users you can easily “mark them as test” and they will not be displayed on the report by default.
- “Sub-event” - for a quick finding of the sub-event details.
- “Details” - for checking all user details, order details, payment info and custom questions answers.