Event Participant: Become a Referrer

Referral Programs are set up by a "Referral Programs", and then can be available for any registrant after the registration. If you would like to become a referrer, then this tutorial will teach you how to do so during the registration.

Once you complete the registration process, you will be directed to a thank-you page. On this page, you will see a pop-up window that offers you the chance to share the registration link with your friends and earn a refund reward. You can share the link either by copying it or by using the social media sharing options available for Facebook or Twitter.

Additionally, you have the option of inputting the email addresses of your friends. In this case, the system will automatically send them an email inviting them to register for the event.

After completing the registration, you will receive an email notification containing a personal referral link. Please copy and share it with your friends.

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